
来源 :中国肿瘤 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:evil
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[目的]探讨闵行区肺癌发病情况及其流行趋势。[方法]通过恶性肿瘤登记报告系统获取肺癌发病资料,计算肺癌粗发病率、世界人口标化发病率、中国人口标化发病率等指标。[结果]闵行区2002~2005年肺癌平均粗发病率为61.77/10万,中国人口标化发病率27.03/10万,世界人口标化发病率33.19/10万,居全区所有恶性肿瘤第1位。男性肺癌标化发病率显著高于女性。肺癌年龄别发病率呈现随年龄增长而逐渐上升的趋势,75~79岁为发病高峰。肺癌早期率为4.26%。[结论]闵行区肺癌发病呈现发病率高、早期率低态势,人口老龄化是导致本区肺癌高发主要原因,适当开展人群肺癌早发现工作值得探讨。 [Objective] To investigate the incidence and prevalence of lung cancer in Minhang District. [Methods] Obtaining the data of lung cancer incidence through the registration system of malignant tumors, calculating the incidence of crude lung cancer, the incidence of world population standardization and the incidence of China’s population standardization. [Results] The average incidence of lung cancer was 61.77 / 100 000 in 2002-2005 in Minhang District. The incidence rate of population standardization in China was 27.03 / 100 000 and the incidence rate of world population standardized was 33.19 / 100 000, ranking the first among all malignant tumors in the region Bit. Male lung cancer standardized incidence was significantly higher than women. The age-specific incidence of lung cancer showed a trend of increasing with age, and the peak age was from 75 to 79 years old. The early lung cancer rate was 4.26%. [Conclusion] The incidence of lung cancer in Minhang District is high, the incidence of lung cancer is low, and the population aging is the main reason leading to the high incidence of lung cancer in Minhang District.
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中国的改革开放发端于广东。地处改革开放前沿的广东人,最先觉悟到惟改革才是生存和发展之路,他们敢为天下先的精神和拚搏进取闯新路的成就为世人所称道。 1997年11月,广东
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摘 要 面对网络环境下高职英语课程评价存在的问题,提出了多维度评价模式。文章着重就该评价模式的内涵、实施策略和实施保障进行了探讨,结论对促进高职院校英语教学改革具有重要意义。  【关键词】网络环境;高职英语;教学评价  进入新世纪以来,信息技术获得了长足发展,并对社会生活的各个方面产生着广泛而深刻的影响。在教育领域,网络信息技术与大学英语课程的相互融合,不仅改变了高职英语教学的本质,同时也促进了高
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