在美国,胆石症是主要的死亡原因之一。治疗胆结石的方法包括胆囊切除术和胆石溶解疗法。溶解胆石的药物主要有两种,鹅去氧胆酸(chenodeoxycholic acid)和熊去氧胆酸(ursodeoxycholic acid,UDCA),经鹅去氧胆酸治疗后胆石溶解率为30一80%。影响疗效的因素主要有药物剂量、给药方式、肥胖程度、胆石的性质、饮食情况及治疗疗程的长短等。鹅去氧胆酸的副作用包括胃肠道反应,肝脏毒性以及升高血清胆固醇含
Cholelithiasis is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. Methods of treating gallstones include cholecystectomy and gallstone lysis. There are mainly two kinds of drugs for dissolving gallstone, chenodeoxycholic acid and ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). The dissolution rate of gallstone after chenodeoxycholic acid treatment is 30-80%. The main factors affecting the efficacy of drug dosage, mode of administration, degree of obesity, the nature of gallstones, diet and treatment duration. Side effects of chenodeoxycholic acid include gastrointestinal reactions, liver toxicity and elevated serum cholesterol