法国艺术家Marc Schildge于1953年出生于巴黎,1972—1974年在法国国立巴黎高等美术学院学习绘画与雕塑艺术。自1976年开始,先后在法国、德国、日本、韩国等地参加了十七场联展;在巴黎、东京、米兰等地举办了十二场个人展览。长期居住在日本和韩国的经历使得Marc Schildge的作品具有典型的亚洲风格。这些大型的全景式丙烯画大篇幅地使用了跳动的色彩,并运用了古老的亚洲绘画技艺,更继承了同东方画作精致感成鲜明对比的西方大面积传统壁画的特点。画面中的风景没有讲述特别的故事,而是作为表现作品内涵的一个载体。作者喜欢在作品中植入质疑和惊异感,画面中的人物十分具有戏剧性,给人以丰富的想象空间。Marc Schildge以幽默的方式将奇幻、梦境、暴力等呈现在画作中,将生与死、梦境与现实
French artist Marc Schildge was born in Paris in 1953 and studied painting and sculpture at the National Institute of Advanced Fine Arts in Paris, France, 1972-1974. Since 1976, China has participated in 17 series exhibitions in France, Germany, Japan and Korea. Twelve individual exhibitions have been held in Paris, Tokyo and Milan. Long-term living in Japan and South Korea’s experience makes Marc Schildge’s work has a typical Asian style. These large panoramic acrylic paintings use lengthy beating colors and apply ancient Asian painting techniques to inherit the characteristics of large Western traditional murals that contrast sharply with the oriental paintings. The scenery in the picture does not tell a special story, but as a manifestation of the content of a carrier. The author likes to impress questions and astonishment in the works, the characters in the screen are very dramatic, giving a rich imagination space. Marc Schildge presents fantasy, dreams and violence in paintings in a humorous way, combining life and death, dreams and reality