
来源 :北京体育大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kentxp
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主要运用实地调研、专家访谈和文献资料分析的方法,从社会学、教育学、经济学的视域,对美国大学竞技体育的强势发展进行解析。研究认为:大学竞技体育在美国已经成为独特的文化及社会诉求,美国在体育战略选择上,构筑了一个具有美国特色的、坚持业余性、以学校为中心的竞技体育体系;世界上没有任何国家,在大学体育的参与度、观众基础、财政支持方面,能够达到与美国大学体育的同等水平;美国大学校际竞赛由美国大学生体育协会(NCAA)、高校体育联盟、学校,协调组织、统筹管理,以橄榄球、篮球联赛带动其它项目均衡发展;赛事推广、广告赞助、电视转播权销售等,完全商业化运作,竞技体育达到世界一流水平,创造了巨大的社会效益和经济效益,实现了竞技体育与高等教育的融合发展,美国大学竞技体育发展的理念,对我国大学竞技体育发展思路的拓展,具有一定的启示和借鉴意义。 It mainly analyzes the strong development of competitive sports in American universities from the perspectives of sociology, education and economics through field research, expert interviews and literature analysis. The research shows that university athletics has become a unique cultural and social appeal in the United States. The United States has constructed an athletic sports system featuring American characteristics, adhering to amateurism and school-centered sports strategy selection. There is no country in the world , Which can achieve the same level of physical education in the United States as the university’s sports participation, audience base and financial support. The American university inter-university competition is managed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), university sports federations, schools, coordinating organizations, , With football and basketball leagues driving the balanced development of other projects; event promotion, advertising sponsorship, television rights and other sales, fully commercialized, competitive sports to achieve world-class level, creating tremendous social and economic benefits, to achieve competitive sports With the development of integration and development of higher education and the development of competitive sports in American universities, it has certain enlightenment and reference significance for the development of the competitive sports in our country.
摘 要:在一切为了高考的影响下,教师依旧围绕知识点、特别是考点进行填鸭式教学,多采用“知识传授+例题分析+练习讲评+知识梳理+布置作业”,偏重“知识与技能”的掌握,弱化学科知识体系的建构和核心素养的形成,弱化了实验教学.高考中化学实验占20分左右,比重较大.但实际教学中,实验多以视频观看、讲解替代,实验是别人的.虚化了实验课,教学效果不佳,学习效率偏低,解题综合能力不强.  关键词:有效性;教学质
摘 要:初中学生在接触物理这门学科时,大部分人都有这样的一种感受,即在课堂上老师讲的知识点都是能够听懂的,但是一旦做题时,却非常茫然,找不到正确的解题思路.即使教师曾用题海战术来突击培训其技巧,但是只要稍微改变一下题型,学生就会觉得无从下手.究其原因,还是一个物理解题思路没有理清的问题.本文就将从在教学过程中,如何教给学生正确的解题思路,提升其答题技巧这个角度来展开具体的论述.  关键词:初中物理