班组长好干,好班长难当。有人说我:别人整不好的班组,咋你一去不出个把月准保“旧貌换新颜”? 我有个习惯,不管到哪个班,总要先给职工“号脉”。游丝组全部是女工,而且大部分是从别的车间调入的。人心散,不好管理。有一次,这个班的月计划上到了历史的最高点。恰巧班长这时休产假,其他班长都打怵,没人去。车间找到了我,让我兼任班长。有人担心我玩不转,我也着实难为了一段时间。如何把班组职工的心找到一块儿?我想交心是缩短距离的妙方,于是有事没事就找她们聊。渐渐地从中得知;女工孩子生病、丈
Good team leader, good squad leader difficult. Some people say I: others whole bad team, how can you get out of a month to ensure the “old look for a new face?” I have a habit, no matter what class, always give workers “pulse.” All the hairspring groups are female workers, and most of them are transferred from other workshops. People scattered, not good management. Once, the monthly plan of this class has reached the highest point in history. Squad happens to monitor maternity leave at this time, the other squad have hit, no one to go. The workshop found me, let me serve as monitor. Some people worry that I can not play, I really hard for some time. How to find the staff in the team work together? I want to make heart is to reduce the recipe for shortening, so nothing to find them talking. Gradually learned; women workers children sick, husband