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1992年2月恢复的关贸总协定缔约国(下称GATT)准入谈判,进展令人较为满意。无论成功与否,到1993年3月都会结束谈判。我国的目的是力争在乌拉圭回合谈判中恢复GATT缔约国的合法席位,为此我国做了较大努力。中美市场准入谈判的成功,大大推进了谈判的进程,势态正朝着有利我国的方向发展。如果顺利,1993年3月我国将恢复GATT缔约国的合法席位,正式进入GATT。届时,我们在享受权利的同时,也要承担应有的义务;在获得国际市场份额的同时,也必须扩大开放国内市场。因此,必须做好重新加入GATT的准备,客观地分析形势,调整好我国的产业结构和政策。 The progress of the negotiations on the accession of GATT parties (hereinafter referred to as GATT) in February 1992 was more satisfactory. Whether successful or not, negotiations will end by March 1993. The purpose of our country is to strive to restore the legal seats of the GATT countries during the Uruguay Round negotiations. Therefore, our country has made greater efforts. The success of the market access negotiations between China and the United States has greatly advanced the process of negotiations and the state of affairs is moving in the direction of favoring our country. If this goes smoothly, in March 1993, China will resume its lawful seat on the GATT and formally enter the GATT. By then, while enjoying our rights, we must also shoulder our due obligations. While gaining international market share, we must also expand our opening up of the domestic market. Therefore, we must be prepared to rejoin GATT, analyze the situation objectively, and adjust our industrial structure and policies.
1992年8月20日,应黑龙江省财政厅和省经济信息协会邀请,以总经理廖德治先生为首的美国AOB财资集团来华,对黑龙江省的投资环境进行了为期七天的考察。 考察团首先来到黑河市,
Directions:In this part,you will have15minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the ques-tions that follow it.For questions1-7,markY(for YES)if the sta
一、期货交易的原理与期货市场的功能 “期货”(futures)是“现货”(actuals)的反义词。期货是指在未来的特定时间内交货商品的买卖合同。期货交易是一种与现货(即实物)交易
“你呀,要加油,别总贪玩!”“知道啦!啰嗦!”当秦宇和我在 QQ 聊天室里打下这些话的时候,我们彼此都为重新找回了一个朋友而高兴。一高中时,我喜欢话剧到了发狂的地步,正好
GATT是《关税及贸易总协定》英文名称的缩写·其全称是General Agreement on Tariff and Trade。这个协定是在1947年4月由美国、中国等23个国家共同起草的,同年10月缔约国正