Ali Jennings告诉大家如何使Photoshop重现Harris Shutter特效。软件准备:Photoshop CS或以上版本学习目标:使用图层、色彩叠加和混合模式等命令将不同色彩通道的信息结合在一起。操作耗时:15分钟Harris Shutter效果是胶片,摄影早期使用的一种技术,使用红、绿、蓝三色滤镜针对同一场景拍摄三幅照片。将它们结合在一起之后,画面中的固定景物就能表现为彩色,而运动对象则表现出与曝光瞬间所用滤镜相同的色彩。虽然有些高级数码单反相机也支持多重曝光,但不是所有相机都支持该功能,而且这一功能使用起来也有诸
Ali Jennings tells everyone how to make Photoshop reproduce the Harris Shutter effects. Software Preparation: Photoshop CS or later Learning Objectives: Combine information for different color channels using commands such as layers, color overlays, and blending modes. Operation time: 15 minutes The Harris Shutter effect is a film, a technique used early in photography, to take three pictures of the same scene using the red, green and blue filters. When combined, the fixed scene in the picture is rendered in color while the moving object shows the same color as the filter used at the moment of exposure. Although some advanced digital SLR cameras also support multiple exposures, not all cameras support this feature, and this feature is also used