This article analyzes a new type of North-South cooperation, specifically the cooperation between the Dutch Ministry of Development and Cooperation and Bolivia on strengthening the capacity of social sciences for development. One of the most notable innovations of the new type of cooperation is that donors go to donors with an open research agenda to give partners full ownership of the research program to formulate, implement and manage and to ensure that developing countries have access to the entire Ownership of the research process. As a result of their deliberations, the Strategic Research Program for Bolivia (PIEB) was elaborated to promote research based on a research agenda that was extensively developed by stakeholders in science and research. Research funding in accordance with clear guidelines and screening criteria, preferential distribution, and make the world public. Scientific research projects implemented by the scientific research team, which not only accommodates the content of training researchers, but also scientific research users to participate. The achievements of the PIEB indicate that it is important for developing countries to enjoy the autonomy and ownership of scientific research. However, the conditions of ownership and autonomy are as follows: local leaders can create a mechanism for cultivating trust and social responsibility. The achievements that have been made also show the importance of creating a quality control mechanism and encouraging scientific research to create outstanding products. Taking all factors into consideration, PIEB is an example of institutional innovation in Bolivia. However, in spite of the achievements listed in this article, it is still a difficult, long-term and continuous process to formulate and develop social science research and development services for development. In the long run, foreign aid can only serve as a supplement to domestic investment.