Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer to the liver: from chemotherapy to targeti

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cythcle
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Despite the advances in surgical techniques, adjuvant chemotherapy and targeted therapy, approximately 40%-70% of patients with progressive colorectal cancer will develop liver metastases, of whom one-third are found at the time of diagnosis.[1] Surgical resection is now the standard treatment and also the only potentially curative treatment for resectable lesions. Despite the advances in surgical techniques, adjuvant chemotherapy and targeted therapy, approximately 40% -70% of patients with progressive colorectal cancer will develop liver metastases, of whom one-third are found at the time of diagnosis. [1] Surgical resection is now the standard treatment and also the only potentially curative treatment for resectable lesions.
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