四年一度的北京国际印技展是国内广大印刷及相关企业了解国际最新印刷技术、追踪世 屏印刷工业先进水平的重要窗口,更是众多国际印刷知名企业展示自身形象和科技实力的重要 舞台。 《电子出版》作为宣传介绍印前技术和电子出版的专业媒体,对此次印技展极为关注, 《电子出版?
The annual Beijing International Printing Technology Exhibition is an important window for the printing and related enterprises in China to understand the latest international printing technology and to track the advanced level of the world printing industry. It is also an important stage for many well-known international printing enterprises to display their own image and scientific and technological strength. “Electronic Publishing” as a pre-press introduction of pre-press technology and electronic publishing of the professional media, is extremely concerned about this India exhibition, "Electronic Publishing?