牙龈瘤合并牙骨质瘤少见,本院收治1例,现报告于下: 患者陈×,女,45岁,务农,本县人。因左上腭部肿块3年余于1979年3月10日初诊入院。3年前左上牙龈腭侧长出一花生米粒大的肿物,较硬,由于无痛不出血对饮食无多大妨碍,故未加注意,2年来肿物慢慢增大,半年来增大较快,现肿物已充满左侧腭部,并包绕过左上牙至颊侧牙龈,左上牙松动,常口臭,有时出血,进食及语言极为不适。不能用左侧牙齿咀嚼食物,不小心咬于左侧牙时即引起疼痛和出血。检查:体检无特殊发现,血象、大小便常规均正
Gingival tumor with rare cementum, hospital admitted to a case, are reported below: Patient Chen ×, female, 45 years old, farming, the county people. Due to the left upper palate mass more than 3 years in March 10, 1979 newly admitted to hospital. Three years ago, the upper left gum palate side grow a large peanut tumor mass, harder, due to painless bleeding is not much to the diet obstruction, it did not pay attention, 2 years, the tumor slowly increased over the past six years to increase more Fast, the tumor is already full of left palate, and wrap around the left upper teeth to the buccal side of the gums, left upper teeth loose, often bad breath, sometimes bleeding, eating and language is extremely uncomfortable. Can not chew food with the left side of the teeth, accidentally biting in the left side of the teeth that cause pain and bleeding. Check: no special physical examination, blood, urine are routine