匠心独运 各臻其妙——谈思想政治教材的结尾艺术

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明代著名诗人谢榛在《四溟诗话》中论文章结尾时所言:“结句当如撞钟,清音有余。”好的结尾往往被人们称作豹尾,简练、生动、恰到好处。思想政治教材编写组深谙此理,文本(单元、课、框、目)结尾的安排不拘一格、异彩纷呈,匠心独运、各臻其妙,教师在教学时应予以充分关注。现结合教材有关篇目,举例说明。一、结尾扣题,升华主题“中华民族精神集中体现了中华民族的整体风貌和精神特征,体现了中华民族共同的价值追求,是中华民族永远的精神火炬。”——《文化生活》第七课第 Xie Zhen famous poet in the “Si Ming poetry” at the end of the article on the assertion: “Conclusion as a bell, more than voiceless. ” Good ending often known as leopard tail, concise, vivid, just right. Ideological and political textbooks compilation group is well versed in this rationale. The texts (unit, lesson, box, head) ends with an eclectic, colorful and painstakingly attainable effect. Teachers should pay full attention to their teaching. Now combined with textbooks related articles, for example. First, the final deduction title, sublimation theme “The Chinese national spirit reflects the overall style and spiritual characteristics of the Chinese nation, reflecting the common pursuit of the Chinese nation is the spiritual torch of the Chinese nation forever ” - “cultural life” Lesson 7