【摘 要】
Due to its intense interactivity and context-dependency, conversation has posed considerable challenges for current context-free grammar frameworks which aim to characterize complete sentences.It is argued in this paper that by placing a high premium on c
【机 构】
School of Foreign Studies,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,ChinaSchool of
Due to its intense interactivity and context-dependency, conversation has posed considerable challenges for current context-free grammar frameworks which aim to characterize complete sentences.It is argued in this paper that by placing a high premium on contextuality, conversational utterances, complete or partial, can be characterized straightforwardly.Within the framework of Dynamic Syntax (Kempson et al.2001;Cann et al.2005), both semantic content and linguistic context are characterized dynamically and structurally in tandem, and, conversation is shown to be parsed progressively according to the lexical-input sequence along with a context-based update.The dynamic analysis proposed here not only provides a formal representation for the incremental interpretation of conversational utterances in Mandarin, but captures the parallelism between conversation, ellipsis as well as anaphor, i.e., the context-dependent commonality, in terms of underspecification and update.
<正> 生活是文学艺术的唯一源泉;没有生活,就没有艺术。这是毫无疑义的。但是,有的人在某一生活领域中磨爬滚打了几十年,并且也有一定的写作才能,却仍然写不出较好的文艺作品来。也有一些作家,取材于同样的生活,却写出了性质完全不同的作品,表现了相反的思想倾向。这又当作何解释呢?这只能到世界观等方面去寻找原因。 关于世界观与文艺创作的关系问题,毛泽东同志在他的延安《讲话》中曾经进行了深刻的论述。这些论述丰富和发展了马克思主义美学,具有重大的理论意义与实践意义。
This paper discusses the non-interrogative existential construal of Mandarin wh-items.Different from previous works that mainly focus on distribution of these items (Li, 1992;Lin, 1998;Xie, 2007), the paper emphasizes their interpretation.A wh-indefinite
Doran, et al.(2009, 2012) and van Tiel, et al.(2016) have presented experimental evidence that gradable adjectives (e.g.cool) yield scalar inferences (e.g.to not cold) significantly less often than do numerals, quantifiers and modals;their data also revea