自六十年代初第一台激光器问世以来,随着各类激光器的研制与发展,激光化学的基础与应用研究正在向实用化纵深发展。近十多年来,国内外大量探索研究表明:激光化学最有效地应用于:制备特种超微粒粉末材料(UFP—Ultrafine particles)、新型材料及高效催化荆、新型半导体材料及超导材料、新型结构材料及功能材料,分离各种同位素及超高纯物质,引发或加速各类化学反应,检测和诊断各类特定分子、原子、基团及化学键,研究化学动力学、动态学等领域。总之,激光化学的发展,无论在应用上和理论上都具有深远前景。
Since the first laser was introduced in the early 1960s, with the development and development of various types of lasers, the fundamental and applied research of laser chemistry is being developed in depth. In recent ten years, a large number of domestic and international exploration studies have shown that laser chemistry is most effectively applied to the preparation of UFP-ultrafine particles, new materials, high-performance catalytic materials, novel semiconducting materials and superconducting materials, Structural materials and functional materials, separation of various isotopes and ultra-high purity substances, triggering or accelerating various types of chemical reactions, testing and diagnosis of various types of specific molecules, atoms, groups and chemical bonds, research in chemical kinetics, dynamics and other fields. In short, the development of laser chemistry, both in the application and theory have far-reaching prospects.