1996年7月,云南抚仙湖发生一起水上交通事故,死亡1人;1997年2月22日和6月30日,又发生二起水上交通事故,20人落水,4人死亡。三起水上交通事故,直接经济损失高达22万元。血的教训,唤起了玉溪人的理智:只有加强管理,才能保证改革开放的大好形势向前发展。 近几年的改革开放,使玉溪地区抚仙湖水上旅游业发展迅猛。据统计,在长约90公里的湖岸线上,停泊着111艘各类机动船舶,共计3866个客位。其中,大中型客船23艘,快艇88条,至今从事水运的船员306人。这些船舶和船员主要分布
In July 1996, one water transport accident occurred at Fuxian Lake in Yunnan Province, killing one person. On February 22 and June 30, 1997, two more water traffic accidents happened, leaving 20 people dead and 4 dead. Three water traffic accidents, the direct economic loss of up to 220,000 yuan. Lessons from the blood aroused the wisdom of Yuxi people: Only by strengthening management can the great situation of reform and opening up be guaranteed. In recent years, the reform and opening up has brought rapid development of water tourism in Fuxian Lake in Yuxi Prefecture. According to statistics, on the lakeshore of about 90 km long, there are 111 moored ships of all kinds with a total of 3,866 passenger seats. Among them, 23 large and medium-sized passenger ships, 88 speedboats, 306 crew members engaged in water transport so far. These ships and crew are mainly distributed