村务公开的内容是什么? (1)村社财务收支;(2)农村义务工、劳动积累工的计划、使用和兑现;(3)村干部报酬、奖金、补贴的发放;(4)村社办企业(经营项目)的经济效益和承包情况;(5)救灾救济款物的发放;(6)专项资金的使用;(7)计划生育指标的安排、超
(1) Village financial revenues and expenditures; (2) The plan, use and fulfillment of rural volunteers and labor accumulation workers; (3) The payment of remuneration, bonuses and subsidies for village cadres; (4) The economic benefits and contracting of the village-run enterprises (operating projects); (5) the distribution of relief funds and materials; (6) the use of special funds; (7) the arrangement of family planning indicators