关于此两药中毒病例,许多杂志已有过相关报道,但观点不一,故本文作进一步的讨论及交流,以引起同行重视和警惕。1 病例资料 刘某,男,71岁。1990年4月3日因腰痛请某乡医治疗,方药10味:生川乌10克,生草乌10克,杜仲10克,牛膝10克,羌活10克,川芎10克,狗脊10克,伸筋草10克,鸡血藤10克,甘草10克,共研细粉分成20包,每次服半包,1天服2次。当患者服至第4包时,诉“心里有说不出的难受”,头痛头晕胸闷,焦躁不安,遂来我院就诊检查。见患者面色苍白、出冷
About these two poisoning cases, many magazines have been related reports, but different perspectives, so this article for further discussion and exchange, in order to arouse the attention and vigilance of peers. 1 case information Liu, male, 71 years old. April 3, 1990 due to low back pain please a rural medical treatment, prescription drugs 10 flavors: Health Chuanwu 10 grams, 10 grams of raw grass black, Eucommia 10 grams, 10 grams of Achyranthes, notopterygii 10 grams, Chuanxiong 10 grams, 10 Grams, 10 grams of Scrophulariaceae, Millettia 10 grams, 10 grams of licorice, a total of research into 20 packets of fine powder, each serving half a pack, 1 day 2 times. When the patient served to the first four packages, v. “There are unspeakable uncomfortable heart”, headache, dizziness, chest tightness, restlessness, then came to our hospital for examination. See the patient pale, cold