上编已写树水云水,这里再谈山水画的其它方面。先谈山形,它是山水画里的重要组成部分。中国地势,以画图分南北中三类地形;南边山水多平远旷阔,丘陵地带为多,北边及蜀中藏青高原山水,多岗峦起伏,悬岩削壁,气势磅礴;中原地段多属黄土高原,地形稳重,有峦而无险峰。因山形不同,皴法亦异。画山的轮廓起伏,山石的曲折、阴阳、向背,丘壑的深远清幽,都要用皴法来表达。 古来把山水作为佛道人物壁画的背景,放在次要地位,故不谈构造。自展子虔创写了第一幅山水
The upper part has written tree water, here to talk about other aspects of landscape painting. Yamagata first, it is an important part of landscape painting. The topography of China is divided into three types of topography in the north and the south by drawing. The landscapes in the south are mostly wide and open, with many hilly areas. The northern and Shuzhong Tibetan Plateau landscapes are ups and downs with many hanging rocks and shaving walls. Loess Plateau, the terrain is stable, there are Luan no risk peak. Yamagata due to different methods are different. Painting the contours of the mountains ups and downs, twists and turns of rocks, yin and yang, to the back, Qiu He far-reaching quiet, to use the law to express. Since ancient times, the landscape as the background of Buddhist and Taoist murals has been placed on the secondary position, so we will not talk about the structure. Since the show devout created the first landscape