古代在鑄造大的銅鑄件的时候,一般都采用失蜡鑄造法。什么是失蜡鑄造法呢?在古代它的工艺又是怎样的呢? 在鑄造的时候,先在地上挖一个大坑、用泥堆墁模骨(就是内型),然后把它弄干燥。干燥之后,就將8:2的牛油和黃蜡混成的型料塗敷在模骨上,再在上面把花紋,物象和文字等等雕塑出来。随后把篩好的細土和灰末混成的泥料,塗在型料上面。塗泥料要分好几次进行,干一層塗一層,一直塗抹到一定的厚度为止。最后用火在外面烤,把里面的油蜡型料烤熔,从預留的孔道中流出来。于是就在泥料里面造成一种同鑄件外形一样的空穴,澆
In the ancient casting of large copper castings, the general use of lost wax casting method. What is the lost wax casting method? In ancient times it is the process of what? In the casting, first dig a pit on the ground, with the mud pound mold (that is type), and then get it dry. After drying, a mixture of 8: 2 butter and yellow wax is applied to the mold bones, and patterns, objects and texts are then sculpted. Then the sieve fine soil and ash mixed mud, painted on top of the material. Paint the mud several times, apply a layer of dry coating until it reaches a certain thickness. Finally, the outside baked with fire, the inside of the oil wax material baked, from the reserved hole in the stream. So in the mud which caused a casting with the same shape of the hole, pouring