Radiotherapy department in our hospital from 1978 to 1987, patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma was treated 160 cases, accounting for 4.8% of patients with radiation-induced malignant tumors over the same period. Now free data and radiotherapy effects do the following analysis. A clinical data, gender and age: 126 males and 34 females, male to female ratio of 3.7: 1. The minimum age is 8 years and the maximum age is 75 years. The age of 30-59 years was high incidence, with a total of 111 cases (69.4%). The peak age group was 40-49 years old, a total of 48 cases, accounting for 30% of the total. Followed by 50 to 59 years of age group (20.0%), 30 to 39 years of age group (19.4%).