乙酰螺旋霉素,是从我国甘肃土壤中分离的螺旋链霉菌新种(S.spiramyceticus n.sp)产生的螺旋霉素乙酰化后的衍生物。该抗生素属大环内酯类,具有与螺旋霉素相同的抗菌谱;对酸稳定,口服吸收良好,迅速分布于体内,有很高的组织浓度。乙酰螺旋霉素在体内的血浓度与组织浓度均较螺旋霉素高。本文报告乙酰螺旋霉素进行的急性毒性、亚急性毒性、吸收分布与排泄的观察结果。 材料与方法 抗生素:供试验用的乙酰螺旋霉素与螺旋霉素是我所与无锡第二制药厂协作的制品,皆为淡黄色粉末,味苦,难溶于水。使用时用10%吐温80 配制成混悬液。 实验动物:1.小白鼠为昆明种,体重18-20克。2.大白鼠,体重75-100克或150—200克。3.大耳白雄性家兔,体重
Acetylspiramycin is an acetylated derivative of spiramycin produced by S. spiramyceticus n.sp isolated from soil in Gansu, China. This antibiotic is a macrolide with the same antibacterial spectrum as spiramycin; it is stable to acids and absorbs orally well and is rapidly distributed in the body with a high tissue concentration. Acetylspiramycin in the body of blood concentration and tissue concentrations were higher than spiramycin. This article reports the results of the observation of acute, subacute toxicities, absorption distribution and excretion of acetylspiramycin. MATERIALS AND METHODS Antibiotics: Acetylspiramycin and spiramycin used for testing are products that I have collaborated with Wuxi No.2 Pharmaceutical Factory, all of which are light yellow powder, bitter and hardly soluble in water. When used with 10% Tween 80 formulated as a suspension. Experimental animals: 1. The mice are Kunming species, weighing 18-20 grams. 2. Rats, weighing 75-100 grams or 150-200 grams. Big white male rabbits, weight