“移天缩地在君怀”。千万不要以为满清皇帝致力于把天下之秀美所在集于一地,目的是为了享乐,今天,我们在此看到的更多的是避暑山庄,当时的康熙却把目光投向了一片广阔的草原。那时的他是经常骑着马,在中国北方山林草泽间——他祖辈崛起的所在地徘徊。 康熙二十年,当北方的地域争端尖锐起来时,王国面临着的危机。于是,康熙的注意力北移。就在这一年,他建立了木兰围场,“木兰秋狝”。
“Moving day and night in your arms.” Do not think that the Manchu emperors are committed to bringing the beauty of the world to one place for the sake of enjoyment. Today, what we see here is more of the Summer Resort. At that time, Kangxi turned its attention to a vast grassland. At that time he was often riding a horse, hovering in the grasslands of northern China - where his ancestors rose. In the two decades of Kangxi, the kingdom faced a crisis when the territorial disputes in the north were sharp. As a result, Kangxi’s attention shifted north. Just this year, he established the Mulan yard, “Mulan autumn 狝.”