
来源 :浙江农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinajiang
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红壤稻田造田历史短,轮作复种一般较单纯,既不利于土壤肥力的提高,也不适应提供多样化产品的需要。为了探讨红壤稻田多熟制的增产潜力,合理搭配轮作,提高经济效益,培肥土壤,近年来我们在本所试验基地对红壤水田的种植制度进行了长期定位试验。现将1982~1985年试验结果总结如下,供各地参考。 The history of paddy fields in the red paddy fields is short, and cropping is generally more simple. It is not conducive to the improvement of soil fertility, nor to the need to provide diversified products. In order to explore the potentiality of multi-ripening in paddy field in red soil, rationally match rotation, increase economic efficiency and fertilize soil, we conducted long-term experiment on planting system of red paddy field in our test base in recent years. The 1982 ~ 1985 test results are summarized below, for reference.