甲状腺未分化癌预后最差 ,而低分化癌的预后介于分化和未分化型之间 ,其中以髓样癌较多见 ,其次为淋巴瘤、嗜酸性滤泡状癌 ,较少见的有岛状癌、鳞状上皮癌、圆柱细胞癌、肉瘤、转移性癌等。此类甲状腺癌相对少见 ,预后与手术方式密切相关。此外 ,某些低分化癌如髓样癌的术式必?
The prognosis of undifferentiated thyroid cancer is the worst, while the prognosis of poorly differentiated cancer is between differentiation and undifferentiated type, with more medullary carcinoma, followed by lymphoma, eosinophilic follicular carcinoma, less common are Island cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, cylindrical cell carcinoma, sarcoma, metastatic cancer and the like. Such thyroid cancer is relatively rare, prognosis and surgical methods are closely related. In addition, some poorly differentiated cancer, such as medullary carcinoma of the operation must?