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从1792年到热月9日,雅各宾派是山岳派中的激进派;雅各宾主义是它最一致、最有力的表现。雅各宾派,雅各宾主义,这些词汇在当前的政治用语中仍能见到,而且通常都带有某种贬义的色彩,事实上,对于这些词汇的这种滥用,既表明了政治家们缺乏历史知识,也说明了他们对事件的不了解或不理解。在革命党人的政治动员中,各个俱乐部起了决定性的作用,它们同通常为俱乐部提供骨干的区国民自卫军组织同样有效力。这类组织名目繁多,从巴黎的一些大俱乐部到各种兄弟会,再到各区的民众社团,从首都和各郡城镇 From 1792 to the 9th of January, the Jacobins were the radical faction among the mountain factions; Jacobinism was its most consistent and powerful manifestation. Jacobin, Jacobinism, these terms are still visible in the current political terms, and usually have some kind of pejorative color, in fact, the abuse of these terms, not only shows the politicians They lacked historical knowledge and explained that they did not understand or understand the incident. In the mobilization of the revolutionaries, the clubs played a decisive role, as were the National Guard organizations that normally provide the backbone for the club. Such organizations range in name from a number of large clubs in Paris to various fraternities, and then to various mass organizations, from the capital and county towns
<正> 近年来,随着两极世界的瓦解,冷战格局的结束,南非局势也发生了巨大变化。1989年德克勒克上台执政后,宣布实行种族和解政策。1990年2月,南非政府释放了著名黑人领袖纳尔