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最近,党中央、国务院就做好当前思想政治工作作出了一系列指示,国防科工委党组和领导同志对此也提出了明确的要求。切实加强当前的思想政治工作,对于保证各项改革措施的顺利推进,维护社会稳定,做好总公司体制转换、政企分开的工作,促进今年八项重点任务的完成,都具有重要意义。一、各级党委要高度重视,切实加强对思想政治工作的领导当前核工业总的形势很好,年初确定的工作顺利推进,核电安全运行,重点工程建 Recently, the Central Party Committee and the State Council have made a series of instructions on how to do a good job in ideological and political work. The party groups and leading comrades of the State Commission of Science, Technology, Science, Technology, Industry, Science, Technology, Industry, Science and Technology Commission also made clear demands on this issue. Effectively strengthening the current ideological and political work is of great significance to ensuring the smooth progress of all the reform measures, maintaining social stability, doing a good job of restructuring the head office system and separating government from enterprises, and facilitating the completion of the eight key tasks this year. I. Party committees at all levels should attach great importance to conscientiously strengthen leadership over ideological and political work At present, the overall nuclear industry situation is very good. The work determined at the beginning of the year is proceeding smoothly, the nuclear power operation is safe, the key construction projects
5岁的孩子在3个月之内,学会了2000个汉字。在这个望子成龙,望女成凤的教育投资时代,超启的教学方法将会掘出多大的财富空间呢? 5-year-old children learned 2,000 Chinese
The 1994 Version of Nuclear Data Sheets for A=195 has been updated on the basis of the experimental results from reactions and decays leading to nuclides of ma
The study of the properties of nuclei near to the closed neutron shell at N=50 is a subject of widespread interest. The accurate photonuclear data play an impo
日 期   会议名称 举办地点 主办者/联系网址1.19核燃料供应研讨会美国华盛顿NEI(fae@nei.org)1.30~2.2保健物理学会第33次年中会议美国弗吉尼亚HPS(hps@burkinc.com)2.
【欧洲核学会《核新闻网》 1 999年 9月2 3日报道】 中国台湾省核管理局宣布 ,因地震关机的 3台核动力堆机组已被批准尽可能快地恢复运行 ,至少有 1台机组已恢复运行。台湾