1938年的延安,像一盏明灯,给全国遭受日寇蹂躏的沦陷区人民乃至周边国家中的华侨,带来了“人民抗战必胜”的信念。广州沦陷后,滞留在香港的华侨青年要去延安,苦于无路无车,难于成行。当时沿海所有港口,全部被日军封锁了,外援断绝。 这年10月10日,南洋各属45埠华侨代表一百六十八人在新加坡召开代表大会,成立了“南洋华侨筹赈祖国难民总会”(简称“南侨总会”),陈嘉庚当选为主席并发表宣
Yan’an in 1938, like a beacon, brought the belief that “the people will win the war of resistance” to the people in the enemy-occupied areas and even the overseas Chinese in neighboring countries that have been ravaged by the Japanese invaders. After the fall of Guangzhou, overseas Chinese young people staying in Hong Kong are going to Yan’an, suffering from no roads and no cars and traveling with difficulty. At that time, all the ports along the coast were all blocked by the Japanese army and cut off by foreign aid. On October 10 this year, a total of 168 representatives of 45 overseas Chinese from the Nanyang Islands held their congresses in Singapore and established the “Nanyang Overseas Chinese to Relieve the National Federation of Refugees” (referred to as “the Nanhui Association”). Tan Kah Kee was elected For the chairman and announced