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郑州铁路局处于中国铁路网的中心。 亚欧大陆桥横贯东西,局内纵横交错的线 路分布在河南、湖北、陕西三省。在这三省 境内,举世闻名的艺术宝库和游览胜地星 罗棋布,蜚声海内外。有震撼世界的秦兵马 俑,名扬中外的西岳华山,历史名城古都开 封,还有神农架林区的奇丽景色。它们宛如 一颗颗璀璨的明珠,镶嵌在千里铁道线旁, 为祖国铁路增添了无穷的魁力,从下面这 组站台票的画面上,可以看出她的掠影。 Zhengzhou Railway Bureau is located in the center of China Railway Network. The Eurasian Continental Bridge traverses east and west, and the criss-crossing routes in Henan, Hubei and Shaanxi provinces distribute in this area. In these three provinces, the world-famous art treasure house and tourist attraction dotted around, world-renowned. Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses who have aroused the world, famous Huashan Xiyue both at home and abroad, the ancient capital of the historic city of Kaifeng, and the spectacular scenery of the Shennongjia forest. They are like bright pearl, embedded in the line of the Trinidad and Tobago, adding endless charm to the motherland’s railway. From the picture of the platform ticket below, she can see her glimpse.
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