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本文以刘瑾罚米法为例考察刘瑾专权与赎罪制度二者的关系。明代赎罪制度建立初衷是“以济法之太重” ,降低对犯罪者的刑罚。刘瑾专权时滥用赎罪制度 ,以罚米法的形式大肆处罚朝臣 ,一方面固然是出于当时国库空虚的客观需要 ,体现了罚米法佐国缓急的功能。另外又成为刘瑾打击正直朝臣的手段之一。罚米法行用过程中挟带索贿及罚米所获部分落入此辈手中 ,因此 ,罚米法也是刘瑾辈贪污的渠道之一。 This article takes Liu Jin’s penalty law as an example to examine the relationship between Liu Jin’s privilege and the system of Atonement. The original intention of the atonement system in the Ming Dynasty was “too much by the economic law” to reduce the penalty to the perpetrators. At the time of authorizing Liu Jin, he abused the system of atonement and abused him in the form of a penalty law. On the one hand, it was out of the objective need of the state treasury at that time, which reflected the priority of punishment in the law of rice and law. In addition, it became one of the means by which Liu Jin hit the courtiers honestly. Penalties with law enforcement in the process of taking bribes and part of the penalty falls into the hands of this generation, therefore, penalty meter method is one of the channels of Liu Jin generation of corruption.
王岭,在他进入班级的第一周我就领教了他的“厉害”:早上,常常迟到;课堂上,一节课能认真听三四分钟已经很不错了,或转来转去,或钻到桌子底下去“旅游一圈”,铅笔盒和凳子常常发出刺耳的噪音;作业拖拉不愿意做……老师的谆谆教导被他视作“耳边风”,依旧我行我素。  “万丈高楼平地起”,儿童时期是培养学生良好行为规范的重要阶段。只有低年级养成了良好的习惯,打好了扎实的“地基”,今后才能稳健发展。    小步子
珍珠泉大院是济南著名的城市园林,位于济南老城区市中心,南望千佛山,北邻大明湖,院内因有济南第四大泉群——珍珠泉群而闻名遐迩。据史料记载,珍珠泉大院历经沧桑,距今已有七百多年的历史了。至于珍珠泉大院与远在青州的明衡王府有什么关系,恐怕就不是一般人所了解的了。  堂皇青州衡王府  到青州市游玩的朋友,对位于益都卫生学校院内的明衡王府遗留下的两座石牌坊应该有印象。石坊坐北朝南,均为四柱三门式结构,每个石