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抗日战争是中国人民自1840年以后的百年间,第一次赢得反对侵略、争取民族独立解放取得胜利的斗争。也是第二次世界大战中,反对德意日法西斯的东方主战场。中国共产党领导下的敌后抗日游击战争,又是这个主战场上最为艰苦卓绝的部分。在长达八年极其残酷的条件下,共产党八路军用超乎常人的坚韧与敌人展开了殊死较量,涌现出无数视死如归的英雄,狼牙山五壮士就是其中的杰出代表。 The war of resistance against Japan was the struggle won by the Chinese people for the first time in a hundred years after 1840 to win the victory against aggression and striving for national independence and liberation. It was also the main battlefield of the East in the Second World War against Fascist Germany. The anti-Japanese guerrilla war behind enemy lines under the leadership of the Communist Party of China is another of the most arduous parts in this main battlefield. Under extremely brutal conditions of eight years, the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party launched a series of desperate trials and tendencies against the enemy with the extraordinary talent of the ordinary people. There emerged numerous heroes who belonged to death as their own, and the Five Representatives of the Langya Mountains were outstanding representatives.
1 简 介该项目为双金属复合白口铸铁抗磨件生产技术。双金属复合白口铁是由具有优良抗磨性的合金白口铸铁与具有一定强度和韧性的钢组成 ,白口铁作为抗磨组元能有效地抵抗
各行政公署,自治州、市人民政府,省直机关各单位:《湖南省“九五”(1996年—2000年)科普工作计划》已经省人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请结合实际认真贯彻执行。 All admini
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