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  No one can really learn to rock climb from a newspaper, a video or the Internet. This article is intended as an introduction to rock climbing only. Seek instruction and places to practice first.
  Why rock climb?
  Adventure(冒险); freedom; go where no one has ever been; reach the top; enjoy nature; exercise; the excitement of newness.Or maybe you have your own reasons for wanting to learn. The beginning climber should always climb with an experienced leader, who will take care of runners, rope, sling, protection equipment, and the like. The beginning climber will be concerned with his/her own clothing, cable chain, and harness(攀岩绳).
  For the beginner, any clothing tough enough to take abrasion(磨损) will suffice. Athletic shoes or hiking boots will allow you to sample the sport. If you fall in love with rock climbing, you will want to buy specialized rock climbing shoes, known as varappe or kletterscuhe.
  Rope and Cable chain
  Don’t use old, static ropes not manufactured(人造的) for climbing. They are dangerous. Modern climbing ropes are laboratory-tested and “stretch”(伸展) slightly after a fall.And although pricey, they are when sliding with less friction(摩擦力) is desired.Cable chains are similar to large safety pins. Most climbers use a combination of the oval shape or the modified D-shape of Chouinard’s.
  The amount of strength one is able to conserve is far more important in rock climbing than the amount of strength one has. Move with a bit of spring(强力) and rhythm. Rest when you can. While resting, study the climb ahead. Use leg muscles(肌肉) for climbing, arms for balance and security.
  Caution: loose rock is your enemy. It is impossible to tell whether a hold is solid by looking at it. All handholds(手点) should be tested. Handholds are struck with the heel of the hand; footholds are kicked for testing.
  Rock climbing (not mountaineering as in climbing Mt. Everest) is a fast-growing sport for all ages and both sexes. Indoor “Rock Gyms” are popular in the metropolis(大都市) for staying in shape. They are no substitute(代替) for outdoor climbing on “real” rock.
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