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楚文化研究中民族问题是个十分重要的课题,掌握和运用科学的概念和正确的理论,对楚民族族源、演进阶段的划分,民族结构的层次分析,都是很有意义的。 (一) 在楚民族研究中,对族源问题的探讨已经做了不少工作。目前有华夏说、东夷说、土著说、西来说等说法。各种不同的观点都有自己的理由和证据。而楚人自己供认为高阳氏之苗裔,又常自称为蛮夷,看来华夏族和土著居民都是楚民族的族源,而真正的楚民族应该是华夏族的一支与土著融合的结果。我们不妨对“祝融八姓”和“陆终六子”重新作一番分析。 The ethnic issue in Chu culture research is a very important topic. It is of great significance to master and apply the concept of science and the correct theory to the ethnic origin of Chu nationality, the division of the evolution stage and the hierarchical analysis of national structure. (1) In the study of the Chu nationality, a lot of work has been done on the issue of ethnic origin. There are currently Huaxia said that Dongyi said that indigenous people say that the West is saying things like that. Different perspectives have their own reasons and evidence. The Chu people themselves confess to Gao Yang’s seedlings, often claiming to be barbarians. It seems that both the Huaxia ethnic group and the indigenous peoples are the ethnic origins of the Chu ethnic group, and the true Chu ethnic group should be the result of a fusion with the Huaxia ethnic group. We may wish to analyze some of the “best wishes of the world” and “the end of the land”.
<正> 宋时任沅州通判的朱辅,在《溪蛮丛笑》中记述:“蛮所吹葫芦笙……列管六”。九百多年前,芦笙就已经在五溪地域的少数民族中流行了。南宋著名诗人陆游在《老学庵笔记》中曾描述当时这里歌舞芦笙的盛况:“辰、沅、靖州蛮……农隙时,至一、二百人为曹,手相握为歌,数人吹笙前导之……疲则野宿,至二日未厌,则五日,或七日,方散归。”如今,芦笙在旧
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