作为世界领先的自动化供应商,施耐德电气致力于为用户提供高质量的自动化解决方案,其Modicon系列产品从1968年诞生至今,已经走过了40年的历程,在中国也已为用户服务了20多年。Modicon系列产品开启了工业控制的PLC时代,使更大规模的工业生产成为可能。值此Modicon系列产品40周年庆典之际,《中国仪器仪表》杂志记者专访了施耐德电气工业事业部业务发展经理贺铭康(Mike Heron)先生。
As the world’s leading supplier of automation, Schneider Electric is committed to providing users with high-quality automation solutions. The Modicon family of products has gone through 40 years since it was founded in 1968 and has served its customers in China. for many years. Modicon series of products opened the PLC era of industrial control, so that larger-scale industrial production possible. On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Modicon family of products, China Instrumentation magazine interviewed Mike Heron, business development manager for Schneider Electric Industries.