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目的:了解临床上应用丹红注射液的具体使用情况,为规范丹红注射液的临床应用提供参考。方法:选取北京市10家大型三甲医院管理系统(hospital information system,HIS)中使用过丹红注射液的患者信息,利用基本统计分析方法归纳、整理如适应症、用法用量、用药天数等信息。结果:在HIS数据库所有使用丹红注射液的患者中,60%以上的患者主要诊断、入院初诊或其他诊断符合丹红注射液说明书上的适应症;约95.5%的患者给药途径为静脉滴注;用药剂量90%以上在说明书规定的用药范围内;用药疗程多数在20 d以内;合并用药种类多为祛瘀剂、抗心绞痛药、抗血小板药、脑血管病用药等。结论:丹红注射液在临床应用中基本符合药品说明书规定使用。 Objective: To understand the clinical application of Danhong injection specific use, to provide a reference for the clinical application of Danhong injection. Methods: The information of patients who had used Danhong injection in 10 large hospital Hospitals (HIS) in Beijing was selected. Basic statistical analysis methods were used to summarize and sort out information such as indications, usage dosage and days of drug use. Results: Among all the patients who used Danhong injection in the HIS database, more than 60% of the patients were mainly diagnosed. The initial admission or other diagnosis accorded with the indications of Danhong injection. About 95.5% of the patients were given intravenous drip Note; more than 90% of the dosage is within the scope of medication specified in the instruction manual. Most of the medication courses are within 20 days. Most of the combined medication types are stasis-removing agents, anti-anginal drugs, anti-platelet drugs and cerebrovascular diseases. Conclusion: Danhong injection in clinical application in line with the basic instructions of the drug specification.
温暖的色调拂过阿勒泰山巨大的领地  每年的9月中旬,当西伯利亚的冷风掠过阿尔泰山脉的时候,阿勒泰绚丽的秋天来了!  阿尔泰山,是我国唯一西伯利亚泰加林的延伸带。西伯利亚冷杉、欧洲山杨等欧洲树种在这里枝繁茂盛。每到秋季,山林灿烂着色:深绿、浅黄、深黄、浅红,像一曲西伯利亚泰加林的多声部合唱,应和着遥远的雪山冰川,仿佛置身天外,飘飘欲仙。秋之阿勒泰,正是千种风情,万般风韵,水色时而深黛,时而翠蓝,一会
蓝色 恩里克王子的梦想  波尔图,位于葡萄牙北部,坐落在杜罗河畔,靠近杜罗河的出海口。它是葡萄牙的一座古城,葡萄牙的国名就来源于古老的波尔图。不过,置身波尔图,你或者无论如何不会想到,它是葡萄牙的第二大城市,因为它丝毫没有大家闺秀的傲气与矫情,反倒有着小家碧玉的慵懒,不施粉黛、不媚世俗,一副与世无争的样子。  乘火车来波尔图,一下火车,就会被震撼。波尔图火车站(圣本托san bento火车站)的候
金三角这个早年以种植罂粟而名声险恶的地方,如今已是彻底地旧貌换新颜。乘坐简易的木船穿越湄公河,走过被竹林和藤蔓湮没的吊桥,才能到达由一顶一顶白色帐篷组成的酒店营地。束起卷帘,自然的微风随意穿越毫无阻隔的客房帐篷,你会感觉自己像一滴水,融入无边的森林海洋。  世外桃源,极致奢华  远远看见一间茅草搭成的小屋若隐若现地伏在丛林覆盖的山腰中,在一处芦苇随风摇曳的河岸停靠,然后顺着竹筒铺砌的山路拾级而上。