Cardiopulmonary bypass with brain perfusion for renal cell carcinoma with caval thrombosis

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Urology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangjiao610329
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AIM: To compare a modified technique preserving brain circulation during cardiopulmonary by-pass(CPB) for radical nephrectomy and caval thrombectomy, to the standard technique.METHODS: Retrospective evaluation of an institutional database that collects the data of patients submitted to nephrectomy and removal of caval thrombosis with CPB since 1998. In period between 1998 and 2007, CPB followed a standard technique(group s CPB); then, since 2008, a variation in the perfusional technique was introduced, allowing the anterograde perfusion of brain circulation during circulatory arrest(group CPB + BP) with the aim to reduce the risk of ischemic damage to the brain and also the need of deeper hypothermia. Patients(age, gender, comorbidity) and tumor characteristics(side, histology, staging, level of thrombosis), as well as parameters of CPB(times of CPB, aortic clamping andcirculatory arrest, minimum temperature reached during hypothermia), intra- and perioperative morbidity(complications in general, bleeding, renal and hepatic failure) and mortality were analyzed and compared between 2 groups(s CPB vs CPB + BP)RESULTS: The data of 24 patients, respectively 9 in s CPB group and 15 in CPB + BP group, have been reviewed. No differences in the characteristics of patients and tumors were observed. Only 1(11.1%) and 4(26.0%) of s CPB and CPB + BP patients, respectively, didn’t experience any event of complication. In s CPB group were observed 15 events of complication(5 of which Clavien ≥ 3, 33% of the events), for a mean of 1.66 events/patient; 29 events(10 Clavien ≥ 3, 30.3%), in the CPB + BP group, for a mean of 2.1 events/patient. 1(11.1%) and 2(14.2%) deaths occurred, respectively. For patients submitted to CPB + BP, the minimum temperature reached was significantly higher(29.9 ℃ vs 26.4 ℃, P = 0.001), the time of circulatory arrest was longer(17.4 min vs 13.7 min, NS), but the overall time of CPB shorter(76.1 min vs 92.5 min, NS), albeit these latter differences were not statistically significant. No differences in terms of bleeding, impairment of renal function(post-operative Cr > 2.0 mg/d L respectively in 44.4% vs 35.7% of cases, in the two groups, NS) or hepatic insufficiency(post-operative GOT or GPT > 50 U/L respectively in 44.4% and 66.7% of patients, NS) were noted. Average follow-up was 51 mo in patients undergoing a s CPB and 12 mo in the CPB + BP group of patients; at the last follow-up, 7 patients had died of progression of the condition(4 in the first group and 3 in the second group, respectively), 7 were alive in progression and 10 had no evidence of the disease. CONCLUSION: The perfusional technique that maintains brain perfusion during circulatory arrest limits hypothermia and lowers time of CPB, without rising the risk of renal and hepatic injury. AIM: To compare a modified technique preserving brain during cardiopulmonary by-pass (CPB) for radical nephrectomy and caval thrombectomy, to the standard technique. METHODS: Retrospective evaluation of an institutional database that collects the data of patients submitted to nephrectomy and removal of caval thrombosis with CPB since 1998. In period between 1998 and 2007, CPB followed a standard technique (group s CPB); then, since 2008, a variation in the perfusional technique was introduced, allowing the anterograde perfusion of brain circus during circulatory arrest ( group CPB + BP) with the aim to reduce the risk of ischemic damage to the brain and also the need of deeper hypothermia. Patients (age, gender, comorbidity) and tumor characteristics (side, histology, staging, level of thrombosis), as well as parameters of CPB (times of CPB, aortic clamping and circulatory arrest, minimum temperature reached during hypothermia), intra- and perioperative morbidity (complications in general, bleeding, renal and hepatic failure) and mortality were analyzed and compared between 2 groups (s CPB vs CPB + BP) RESULTS: The data of 24 patients, respectively 9 in s CPB group and 15 in CPB + BP group, have Only 1 (11.1%) and 4 (26.0%) of s CPB and CPB + BP patients, respectively, did not experience any event of complication. In s CPB group were observed 15 events of complication (5 of which Clavien ≥ 3, 33% of the events) for a mean of 1.66 events / patient; 29 events (10 Clavien ≥ 3, 30.3%), in the CPB + BP group, For a mean of 2.1 events / patient. 1 (11.1%) and 2 (14.2%) deaths occurred, respectively. For the patients submitted to CPB + BP, the minimum temperature reached was significantly higher (29.9 ° C vs 26.4 ° C, ), the time of circulatory arrest was longer (17.4 min vs 13.7 min, NS), but the overall time of CPB shorter (76.1 min vs 92.5 min, NS), albeit these latter difference s were nNo differences in terms of bleeding, impairment of renal function (post-operative Cr> 2.0 mg / d respectively in 44.4% vs 35.7% of cases in the two groups, NS) or hepatic insufficiency Average follow-up was 51 mo in patients undergoing as CPB and 12 mo in the CPB + BP group of patients; at the last follow-up, 7 patients had died of progression of the condition (4 in the first group and 3 in the second group, respectively), 7 were alive in progression and 10 had no evidence of the disease. CONCLUSION: The perfusional technique that maintains brain perfusion during circulatory arrest limits hypothermia and lowers time of CPB, without rising the risk of renal and hepatic injury.
交流电动机是一个多变量、高阶、强耦合的非线性系统,不象直流电机那样易于控制转矩,采用矢量控制技术可解决传统交流调速的难题,使交流电机可以按直流电机的控制规律来进行控制,而无传感器矢量控制技术由于可以省去速度传感器,使相应的交流调速系统变得简便、廉价和可靠,所以成为当前研究的热点,本论文工作就是这方面的一个尝试。 论文首先介绍了矢量控制技术的基本理论。对感应电动机在三相静止坐标系下强耦合和互感
  论文首先概述了目前常用的有源功率因数校正拓扑技术的研究现状,并详细阐述了有源功率因数校正控制技术的分类和优缺点。  然后本文提出了一种新型的单级隔离式功率因数