Patient, male, 15 years old, due to paroxysmal sexual excitement, want to have sex with his mother half a month and seek treatment. Patients about half a month ago, the onset of paroxysmal sexual excitement, the onset of extreme mental stress, sweating, strong firm penile erection, pain unbearable, while his mother asleep, want to have sexual intercourse with their mother, his mother woke up after its Succeed drink 叱 just shame. After his father’s knowledge, that the patient’s character corrupted, severely scolded for it, beating is still invalid, and then one after another episode. Check: short, conscious, correct answer, accompanied by the parents to the hospital. Eyes scattered atheism, red tongue, yellow tongue dry dark, pulse, poor sleep. External genitalia and pubic hair development between the third to the fourth stage. I no special. The mother introduced: junior high school graduates, the exam results better, due to home