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G2B(government to business)跨组织信息共享环境下,信息不对称主要表现为纵向信息不对称,其中最具代表性的是银行与政府之间的企业信用信息不对称.为应对这种纵向信息不对称,我国构建了纳入政府大数据的征信系统,实现了政府与银行间的纵向信息共享.本研究以征信系统为背景讨论了小微信贷决策用户对G2B共享信息中介环境下异源信息信任的形成过程,采用有中介的调节效应检验对模型假设进行了实证验证.研究发现,对于信息源的信任可传递给信息中介中的异源信息质量感知,同时其又受到外部对于信息源声誉和信息源能力判断的影响;而共享目标和共享交流工具对于间接判断和信息源信用的关系强度起到调节作用. G2B (government to business) Under the environment of cross-organizational information sharing, the information asymmetry is mainly manifested as the vertical information asymmetry, the most representative of which is the asymmetry of the enterprise credit information between the bank and the government.In response to this kind of vertical information Symmetry, China has constructed a credit information system that incorporates government big data, and has realized the longitudinal information sharing between government and banks.This study discusses the decision-making of small and micro credit users to G2B shared information intermediary environment under the background of credit information system The formation process of trust and empirical test of the model hypothesis through the mediation effect of intermediary.The study found that the trust to the information source can be passed to the heterogeneous information quality perception in the information intermediary and at the same time, And the ability to judge the source of information; and shared goals and shared communication tools for indirect judgment and the strength of the relationship between sources of information regulation play a regulatory role.
经国家新闻出版署批准,我院学报自今年起在国内公开发行,刊号为CN42—5042/R。 寒来暑往,我院学报以坚实的步伐走过了26个春秋,它及时报道了我院的科研成果,为我国的医学教
20世纪末“死亡游戏”流入内地,并逐渐从酒吧、迪厅蔓延到校园。这类游戏对身体危害非常严重。国家教育部坚决要求各地制止这类游戏传播。 The end of the 20th century “
新年伊始,人们总喜欢制定一些新的投资计划。小爸们除了对自己、家庭做了很好的打算外,是否考虑过给自家的小宝贝制定个小小的投资计划呢? At the beginning of the new yea