互联网络赋予企业以令人难以置信的市场营销能力。几乎是突然之间,许多小公司都已经发现,他们现在可以用远低于其他任何广告媒体的成本,去同全国甚至是国际范围内的客户进行业务交往。下面的几个问题,对正在发掘互联网络有潜在效力的商务人士来说,会经常遇到。1.什么是互联网络?互联网络是一个世界范围的网络,在这个网络上连接着数以万计的高性能计算机。无论是个人还是企业,都可以向当地的网络服务提供商申请一人帐户以连入互联网络。网络服务提供商一般都开展E-MAIL(电子邮件)以及万维网(World WideWeb,WWW,一种信息访问系统)的服务。万维网使得潜在的顾客得以“访问”一个商务企业面向全球的门市部,并观看该公司在其网络“页面”上所展示的彩色在线信息或是可以用图形和文本两种形式浏鉴的文件。
The Internet gives businesses incredible marketing capabilities. Almost suddenly, many small businesses have discovered that they can now engage in business with clients across the country and even beyond the world at much lower cost than any other advertising medium. The following questions are often encountered by potential business professionals who are discovering the potential of the Internet. 1. What is the Internet? The Internet is a worldwide network of tens of thousands of high-performance computers connected to it. Both individuals and businesses can apply for a one-person account with a local Internet service provider to connect to the Internet. Internet service providers typically carry out services such as E-mail and WWW, an information access system. The World Wide Web enables potential customers to “” visit a global business outlet for a business enterprise and view the company’s colored online information on its network “pages” or in both graphical and textual Kam’s document.