赵××,女,32岁,因急性胃炎于82年10月27日入院,给予每日口服胃复安30mg,黄连素0.9,用药后第三天感觉双侧乳房发胀伴有轻微疼痛;乳头排出少许白色乳汁,以后泌乳量增加,以至经常自行流出。患者非哺乳期,生育一子,6岁,以往无乳溢史。服避孕药史二年(住院期间未服),月经来潮第四天。体格检查:双侧乳房饱满.对称,似哺乳期,轻度压痛,无块状物。略加挤压可见多量乳汁自乳头射出。心肺阴性,腹软,上腹部偏右压痛,未扪及包块。神经系统检查阴性。实验室检查:颅正侧位x 线摄片束见异常,肝肾功能正常。停药后第三天乳房胀痛消失,乳汁不再自行流出,但挤压后仍有乳汁排出,泌乳量逐渐减少以至停止,随访三个月未再乳溢。本例诊断为药物性乳溢的依据是:1.应
Zhao × ×, female, 32 years old, admitted to hospital on October 27, 1982 due to acute gastritis, given oral metoclopramide 30mg, berberine 0.9, the third day after treatment, bilateral breast swelling with mild pain; Nipple discharge a small amount of white milk, milk production increased later, and often out of their own. Patients non-lactating, childbirth, 6 years old, no history of breast milk overflow. The history of contraceptives for two years (not served during hospitalization), menstrual cramps the fourth day. Physical examination: bilateral breast full. Symmetrical, like lactation, mild tenderness, no lumps. Slight squeeze shows a lot of milk from the nipple injection. Heart-lung-negative, abdominal soft, right upper quadrant tenderness, palpable mass. Negative neurological examination. Laboratory tests: the skull lateral x-ray radiographs see abnormal, normal liver and kidney function. Breast pain disappeared the third day after stopping the milk out of their own no longer run out, but there is still squeezed milk discharge, milk production gradually reduced or even stopped, three months follow-up no milk overflow. This case is diagnosed as drug-induced breasts are based on: 1. Should