国家教委于1993年4月1日正式下文,将萍乡教育学院改建成萍乡高等专科学校。1994年6月17日,萍乡市政府为萍乡高专举行了隆重的成立庆典和挂牌仪式。萍乡市委、市政府等六套班子成员亲临大会;江西省委宣传部和江西省教委高度重视,发来了贺电或派出了领导同志前来祝贺。祝贺的还有省市兄弟学校、萍乡市各市直机关、各企事业单位的领导同志和社会各界人士。谨此,本部受命向与会的领导和来宾表示衷心感谢! 成立庆典活动纪实,将永远载入我校的史册!本刊限于篇幅,仅将成立庆典上部分领导的讲话、题词和贺电予以发表,以示纪念! 一九九四年六月
National Education Commission in April 1, 1993 formally below, the Pingxiang Institute of Education converted into Pingxiang College. June 17, 1994, Pingxiang municipal government held a grand ceremony for the Pingxiang College and listing ceremony. Pingxiang municipal government and other six members of the team to the General Assembly; Propaganda Department of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Jiangxi Provincial Education Commission attaches great importance to sent a congratulatory message sent or congratulated leaders. Congratulations also have provinces and cities brother schools, Pingxiang City, the municipal authorities, all enterprises and institutions of the leading comrades and people from all walks of life. Hereby, the headquarters was ordered to express my heartfelt thanks to the leaders and guests attending the meeting. The establishment of celebration documentary, will always be loaded into our school history! Due to limited space, we only publish speeches, inscriptions and congratulatory messages on the leadership of the establishment of the celebration in commemoration. June 1994