研究在光纤中运动的单模光子在固定系中的自旋算符表式 ,在将螺旋度当作不变量的基础上构造使光纤中光子极化面转动的有效哈密顿量 ,运用与不变量有关的幺正变换方法 ,获得了光纤中运动光子演化方程 (含时薛定谔方程 )的精确解 ,并研究光子在光纤中运动的极化问题 ,包括几何相因子、总哈密顿量和波函数演化算符的显式 .
In this paper, we study the spin operator representation of a single-mode photon moving in an optical fiber in a stationary system. By using the helicity as an invariant, an effective Hamiltonian for rotating the photon polarization in the fiber is constructed. Variable-dependent unitary transformation method, the exact solutions of moving photon evolution equations (including the Schrödinger equation with time) in optical fibers are obtained and the polarization of photons in the optical fiber is studied, including the geometric phase factor, the total Hamiltonian and the wave function Explicit operator of the evolution.