中国是一个疆域辽阔、民族众多的统一的大国。先秦时期诸子学说的出现 ,标志着中国古代哲学的诞生与兴起。众多学科的研究成果表明 ,从春秋到战国 ,中国大体形成了若干个具有各自特征的文化区域 ,先秦诸子的形成与这些地域性的文化传统有着紧密的联系。这种地域性传统贯穿在其后中国古代哲学发展的全部历程之中 ,两汉至隋唐如此 ,宋元明清表现更为突出 ,就是中国近代哲学也还是摆脱不了地域传统的影响。因此 ,研究中国古代哲学的地域性传统是一个十分有意义的课题。而当下学界对此挖掘不够 ,为了深化对该课题的研究 ,我们组织了这次笔谈 ,现推荐给读者 ,希望引起学界的关注。今后 ,我们还准备在适当的时候继续进行讨论。
China is a large, unified nation with vast territory and numerous nationalities. The appearance of philosophers in pre-Qin period marked the birth and rise of ancient Chinese philosophy. The research results of many disciplines show that from spring and autumn to the Warring States, China has generally formed a number of cultural regions with their own characteristics. The formation of pre-Qin philosophers is closely linked with these regional cultural traditions. This regional tradition ran through the whole process of the subsequent development of ancient Chinese philosophy. From the Han Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the performance of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties became more prominent, that is, the modern Chinese philosophy still could not get rid of the geographical tradition. Therefore, studying the regional tradition of ancient Chinese philosophy is a very significant topic. In order to deepen the research on this topic, we organized this writing and now recommend it to readers, hoping to arouse the attention of academic circles. In the future, we are also prepared to continue discussions as we see fit.