近几年来 ,高考化学实验的命题不断改革 ,其目的在于不断适应素质教育发展的需要 ,实现考试说明中对“观察能力、自学能力、思维能力、实验能力”的考查要求。改革的成果充分体现了“两个有利”的原则 ,即 :“有利于高校选拔人才”和“有利于中学化学教学”。本文就近年来高考
In recent years, the propositions of the college entrance examination chemistry experiment have been continuously reformed. Its purpose is to continuously adapt to the needs of the development of quality education, and to achieve examination requirements for “observation ability, self-study ability, thinking ability, and experimental ability” in examination instructions. The results of the reforms fully embody the principle of “two benefits”, namely: “in favor of selecting talents in universities” and “in favor of chemistry teaching in middle schools”. This article on the college entrance examination in recent years