淡雅明快的白桦麒麟白桦麒麟Euphorbia mammillaris ‘Variegata’,为大戟科大戟属多肉植物玉鳞凤的斑锦变异品种,植株具低矮的柱状肉质茎,株高约20厘米,直径6厘米,7棱以上,棱全部划分为六角状瘤块,上有长1厘米左右宿存的花梗,如刺一般,小叶不发育或早脱落,仅在茎顶端生长点附近才能看到。植株表皮白色,但六角形瘤块周围的沟状纹为绿色,色彩高雅而明快,具有很强的观赏性。杯状聚伞花序簇生于茎的顶端,花小
Euphorbia mammillaris ’Variegata’ Euphorbia mammillaris ’Variegata’ is a mutant of Euphorbiaceae Succulents jade scales Phoenix variegated plants, plants with low columnar fleshy stems, about 20 cm in height, 6 cm in diameter, 7 cm Prism above the edge of all divided into hexagonal tumor blocks, there are about 1 cm long persistent pedicel, such as thorns in general, leaflets do not develop or early fall, only in the top of the stem growth point to see near. Plant epidermal white, but the hexagonal tumor around the groove pattern is green, elegant and crisp color, with a strong ornamental. Cup-shaped cymes clustered at the top of the stem, flowers small