2000元能干什么?东南沿海省份的人或许不屑地说,也就是一顿饭钱嘛。然而,这的的确确是青海省海北州海晏县一年的科技经费。 4月10日,笔者随科技部调研组一行来到海晏县科技局,准确地说,应是“教育科技文化局”。只有4张桌椅的房间显得空荡荡的,表面斑驳不堪的茶几是招待客人用的。海北州科技局局长说,在他们的帮助下,这里终于换掉了3条腿的桌子。但因无力支付电话费用,电话早已被撤掉。连最起码的通讯电话都没有,更谈不上信息化、网络化服务了。
2000 yuan What can be done? Southeastern coastal provinces people may disdain to say that it is a meal money thing. However, this is indeed a year's science and technology funds in Haiyan County, Haibei Prefecture, Qinghai Province. On April 10, the author came to Haiyan Science and Technology Bureau along with the research team of the Ministry of Science and Technology. To be exact, it should be “Educational Science and Technology Bureau.” Only 4 tables and chairs of the room seemed empty, the surface of the table is mottled guests with the mottled. Haibei State Science and Technology Bureau said that with their help, here finally replaced the three-legged table. However, due to inability to pay the telephone charges, the phone has already been removed. Even the most basic communication phone is not, let alone the information technology, network services.