一、布依族天文历法的产生与发展 布依族的天文历法历史十分久远,除了广西花山崖画中含有古越人的历法内容外,在贵州布依地区古代岩画中也有“物候历法图象”,如开阳县的“画马岩”、关岭县的牛角井岩画、长顺县的付家院红洞岩画、六枝花洞岩画、花江的马马岩画、贞丰县的“七马图”岩画等。有关专家考察研究结果表明:这些岩画“同布依族的关系最大”(《贵州古代岩画的发现与初步研究》见《贵州文化》1990年第8期),岩画中除了有布依族的服饰装束以外,还有“物候历”图象,这些图象系布依族先民记录季节变化的符号,其中的飞禽走兽面朝许多
First, the birth and development of Buyi ethnic astronomical calendar The Buyi ethnic astronomical calendar has a very long history. In addition to the historical records of ancient Yue people contained in the Huashan cliff paintings in Guangxi, there are also “phenomenal calendar images” in the ancient rock paintings in the Buyi area of Guizhou such as Kaiyang The “Painted Rock” in the county, the hornhorn rock paintings in Guanling County, the red cave rock paintings in Fujianyuan in Changshun County, the rock paintings in Liuzhi Huadong, the horse and horse paintings in Huajiang, and the “Seven Map” rock paintings in Zhenfeng County. The findings of the experts’ study indicated that these rock paintings “have the most relations with the Buyi people” (For the discovery and preliminary study of the ancient rock paintings in Guizhou, see Guizhou Culture, No. 8, 1990). In addition to the costumes of the Buyi people in the rock paintings, , As well as the “phenological calendar” images, the images of the Buyi people record seasonal changes in the symbol, in which the birds and animals face many