In the laboratory, when a liquid is heated to boil (as in line distillation, reflux or boiling), the boiling of the liquid is not stable unless it is boiled. Boiling does not begin when it reaches normal boiling point, but does not start boiling until it exceeds several times its normal boiling point (so-called “overheating”), while boiling occurs intermittently. Although the heating is very smooth, but the production of boiling steam bubbles are not smooth, sometimes overheating, and sometimes did not produce, but while a large number of produce, rushed together, powerful like an explosion. The liquid will be distilled from the branch pipe in the distillation out of the distillation of the distillation of the loss of the purpose of the reflux heating will flush the liquid to the upper part of the reflux condenser, powerful will out of the condenser, the experiment loss or failure . This unsteady boiling phenomenon, called bumping, is a major difficulty often encountered in laboratories. In addition to the above mentioned disadvantages, it can also make the measured boiling point inaccurate. When the bumping is violent, Sometimes the sharpened glassware shatters.