Experiencing exotic culture and customs, feeling the unique cultures of other countries and connecting with the world’s top education ”Having a lofty dream and being a citizen of the world“ - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon Time: August 2014 Venue: St. Petersburg, Moscow Activities Description 1 2. To hold a special art show for young people in China and Russia; 2. To hold a ceremony to conclude a Sino-Russian friendship school; 3. To hold a Sino-Russian teacher-student culture and arts exchange activity in the school of art education in Moscow City. Students will receive ”Friendship between China and Russia in Cultural Exchanges Messenger “certificate and ” for youth art exchange show “honorary certificate; 4 watch the famous Russian circus show; 5 visit to the People’s Republic of China to the embassy to visit: 6 visit to Moscow, St. Petersburg famous cultural tourism Attractions; 7. China and Russia mainstream media comprehensive coverage, ”Counselor" magazine (in the late), red scarf online media column to cover media coverage.