Objective To explore the effect of autologous hard palate mucosa repair eyelid defect. Methods Animal experiment: Twelve eyelids of 3 dogs were repaired with artificial hard palate mucosa for artificial eyelid defect. Observation of 22 weeks, eyelid shape repair. Pathological examination epithelial morphology, thickness recovery, the number of connective tissue cells and capillaries was normal, collagen fibers arranged in neat rows. Clinical study: 13 patients (15 eyelids) eyelid defect patients, including 3 cases of upper eyelid, lower eyelid in 8 cases, upper and lower eyelid in 2 cases. Tumor led to defects in 5 cases, trauma caused by defects in 8 cases. 6 complete eyelid defects, 2/3 defects 4 eyelids, 1/2 ~ 1/3 defects 5 eyelids. Age 22 ~ 79 years old. Fat area with thick hard palate mucosal graft repair eyelid defect. Results The average postoperative observation was 11.3 months. Eight eyelids were cured, three eyelids markedly improved, and four eyelids improved. No serious complications occurred. Conclusion Autologous hard palate mucosa transplantation can not only replace the tarsal plate as a scaffold, but also repair the conjunctival defect.