中非合作论坛北京峰会暨第三届部长级会议在北京举行之时,中国商务部亚非司司长周亚滨将非洲评价为中国企业“走出去”的首选地之一。实际上,一向嗅觉灵敏的浙江民营企业早已把商业触角伸向了非洲。经济全球化迫使中国企业走出去2007年8月2日,美国最大玩具商美泰公司(Mattel Inc.)向美国消费者安全委员会提出96.7万件塑胶玩具的召回事件。召回事件发生
When the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and the third ministerial meeting were held in Beijing, Zhou Yabin, director of the Asia-Africa Division of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, evaluated Africa as one of the preferred places for Chinese enterprises to “go global”. In fact, Zhejiang’s private-owned enterprises, which have always been sensitive to smell, have already extended their commercial tentacles to Africa. Economic Globalization Forces Chinese Enterprises To Go Out On August 2, 2007, Mattel Inc., the largest toy company in the United States, submitted a recall of 967,000 plastic toys to the Consumer Safety Commission. Recall incident occurred